This is a major release from 0.10.1 and includes many new features and enhancements along with a large number of bug fixes. The methods of Selecting Data have had quite a number of additions, and Dtype support is now full-fledged. There are also a number of important API changes that long-time pandas users should pay close attention to.
There is a new section in the documentation, 10 Minutes to Pandas, primarily geared to new users.
There is a new section in the documentation, Cookbook, a collection of useful recipes in pandas (and that we want contributions!).
There are several libraries that are now Recommended Dependencies
Starting in 0.11.0, object selection has had a number of user-requested additions in order to support more explicit location based indexing. Pandas now supports three types of multi-axis indexing.
.loc is strictly label based, will raise KeyError when the items are not found, allowed inputs are:
A single label, e.g. 5 or 'a', (note that 5 is interpreted as a label of the index. This use is not an integer position along the index)
A list or array of labels ['a', 'b', 'c']
['a', 'b', 'c']
A slice object with labels 'a':'f', (note that contrary to usual python slices, both the start and the stop are included!)
A boolean array
See more at Selection by Label
.iloc is strictly integer position based (from 0 to length-1 of the axis), will raise IndexError when the requested indices are out of bounds. Allowed inputs are:
An integer e.g. 5
A list or array of integers [4, 3, 0]
[4, 3, 0]
A slice object with ints 1:7
See more at Selection by Position
.ix supports mixed integer and label based access. It is primarily label based, but will fallback to integer positional access. .ix is the most general and will support any of the inputs to .loc and .iloc, as well as support for floating point label schemes. .ix is especially useful when dealing with mixed positional and label based hierarchical indexes.
As using integer slices with .ix have different behavior depending on whether the slice is interpreted as position based or label based, it’s usually better to be explicit and use .iloc or .loc.
See more at Advanced Indexing and Advanced Hierarchical.
Starting in version 0.11.0, these methods may be deprecated in future versions.
See the section Selection by Position for substitutes.
Numeric dtypes will propagate and can coexist in DataFrames. If a dtype is passed (either directly via the dtype keyword, a passed ndarray, or a passed Series, then it will be preserved in DataFrame operations. Furthermore, different numeric dtypes will NOT be combined. The following example will give you a taste.
In [1]: df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 1), columns=['A'], dtype='float32') In [2]: df1 Out[2]: A 0 0.469112 1 -0.282863 2 -1.509058 3 -1.135632 4 1.212112 5 -0.173215 6 0.119209 7 -1.044236 In [3]: df1.dtypes Out[3]: A float32 dtype: object In [4]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': pd.Series(np.random.randn(8), dtype='float16'), ...: 'B': pd.Series(np.random.randn(8)), ...: 'C': pd.Series(range(8), dtype='uint8')}) ...: In [5]: df2 Out[5]: A B C 0 -0.861816 -0.424972 0 1 -2.105469 0.567020 1 2 -0.494873 0.276232 2 3 1.072266 -1.087401 3 4 0.721680 -0.673690 4 5 -0.706543 0.113648 5 6 -1.040039 -1.478427 6 7 0.271973 0.524988 7 In [6]: df2.dtypes Out[6]: A float16 B float64 C uint8 dtype: object # here you get some upcasting In [7]: df3 = df1.reindex_like(df2).fillna(value=0.0) + df2 In [8]: df3 Out[8]: A B C 0 -0.392704 -0.424972 0.0 1 -2.388332 0.567020 1.0 2 -2.003932 0.276232 2.0 3 -0.063367 -1.087401 3.0 4 1.933792 -0.673690 4.0 5 -0.879758 0.113648 5.0 6 -0.920830 -1.478427 6.0 7 -0.772263 0.524988 7.0 In [9]: df3.dtypes Out[9]: A float32 B float64 C float64 dtype: object
This is lower-common-denominator upcasting, meaning you get the dtype which can accommodate all of the types
In [10]: df3.values.dtype Out[10]: dtype('float64')
In [11]: df3.astype('float32').dtypes Out[11]: A float32 B float32 C float32 dtype: object
Mixed conversion
In [12]: df3['D'] = '1.' In [13]: df3['E'] = '1' In [14]: df3.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True).dtypes Out[14]: A float32 B float64 C float64 D float64 E int64 dtype: object # same, but specific dtype conversion In [15]: df3['D'] = df3['D'].astype('float16') In [16]: df3['E'] = df3['E'].astype('int32') In [17]: df3.dtypes Out[17]: A float32 B float64 C float64 D float16 E int32 dtype: object
Forcing date coercion (and setting NaT when not datelike)
In [18]: import datetime In [19]: s = pd.Series([datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'foo', 1.0, 1, ....: pd.Timestamp('20010104'), '20010105'], dtype='O') ....: In [20]: s.convert_objects(convert_dates='coerce') Out[20]: 0 2001-01-01 1 NaT 2 NaT 3 NaT 4 2001-01-04 5 2001-01-05 dtype: datetime64[ns]
Platform gotchas
Starting in 0.11.0, construction of DataFrame/Series will use default dtypes of int64 and float64, regardless of platform. This is not an apparent change from earlier versions of pandas. If you specify dtypes, they WILL be respected, however (GH2837)
The following will all result in int64 dtypes
In [21]: pd.DataFrame([1, 2], columns=['a']).dtypes Out[21]: a int64 dtype: object In [22]: pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2]}).dtypes Out[22]: a int64 dtype: object In [23]: pd.DataFrame({'a': 1}, index=range(2)).dtypes Out[23]: a int64 dtype: object
Keep in mind that DataFrame(np.array([1,2])) WILL result in int32 on 32-bit platforms!
Upcasting gotchas
Performing indexing operations on integer type data can easily upcast the data. The dtype of the input data will be preserved in cases where nans are not introduced.
In [24]: dfi = df3.astype('int32') In [25]: dfi['D'] = dfi['D'].astype('int64') In [26]: dfi Out[26]: A B C D E 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 -2 0 1 1 1 2 -2 0 2 1 1 3 0 -1 3 1 1 4 1 0 4 1 1 5 0 0 5 1 1 6 0 -1 6 1 1 7 0 0 7 1 1 In [27]: dfi.dtypes Out[27]: A int32 B int32 C int32 D int64 E int32 dtype: object In [28]: casted = dfi[dfi > 0] In [29]: casted Out[29]: A B C D E 0 NaN NaN NaN 1 1 1 NaN NaN 1.0 1 1 2 NaN NaN 2.0 1 1 3 NaN NaN 3.0 1 1 4 1.0 NaN 4.0 1 1 5 NaN NaN 5.0 1 1 6 NaN NaN 6.0 1 1 7 NaN NaN 7.0 1 1 In [30]: casted.dtypes Out[30]: A float64 B float64 C float64 D int64 E int32 dtype: object
While float dtypes are unchanged.
In [31]: df4 = df3.copy() In [32]: df4['A'] = df4['A'].astype('float32') In [33]: df4.dtypes Out[33]: A float32 B float64 C float64 D float16 E int32 dtype: object In [34]: casted = df4[df4 > 0] In [35]: casted Out[35]: A B C D E 0 NaN NaN NaN 1.0 1 1 NaN 0.567020 1.0 1.0 1 2 NaN 0.276232 2.0 1.0 1 3 NaN NaN 3.0 1.0 1 4 1.933792 NaN 4.0 1.0 1 5 NaN 0.113648 5.0 1.0 1 6 NaN NaN 6.0 1.0 1 7 NaN 0.524988 7.0 1.0 1 In [36]: casted.dtypes Out[36]: A float32 B float64 C float64 D float16 E int32 dtype: object
Datetime64[ns] columns in a DataFrame (or a Series) allow the use of np.nan to indicate a nan value, in addition to the traditional NaT, or not-a-time. This allows convenient nan setting in a generic way. Furthermore datetime64[ns] columns are created by default, when passed datetimelike objects (this change was introduced in 0.10.1) (GH2809, GH2810)
In [12]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 2), pd.date_range('20010102', periods=6), ....: columns=['A', ' B']) ....: In [13]: df['timestamp'] = pd.Timestamp('20010103') In [14]: df Out[14]: A B timestamp 2001-01-02 0.404705 0.577046 2001-01-03 2001-01-03 -1.715002 -1.039268 2001-01-03 2001-01-04 -0.370647 -1.157892 2001-01-03 2001-01-05 -1.344312 0.844885 2001-01-03 2001-01-06 1.075770 -0.109050 2001-01-03 2001-01-07 1.643563 -1.469388 2001-01-03 # datetime64[ns] out of the box In [15]: df.dtypes.value_counts() Out[15]: float64 2 datetime64[ns] 1 dtype: int64 # use the traditional nan, which is mapped to NaT internally In [16]: df.loc[df.index[2:4], ['A', 'timestamp']] = np.nan In [17]: df Out[17]: A B timestamp 2001-01-02 0.404705 0.577046 2001-01-03 2001-01-03 -1.715002 -1.039268 2001-01-03 2001-01-04 NaN -1.157892 NaT 2001-01-05 NaN 0.844885 NaT 2001-01-06 1.075770 -0.109050 2001-01-03 2001-01-07 1.643563 -1.469388 2001-01-03
Astype conversion on datetime64[ns] to object, implicitly converts NaT to np.nan
In [18]: s = pd.Series([datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 2, 0, 0) for i in range(3)]) In [19]: s.dtype Out[19]: dtype('<M8[ns]') In [20]: s[1] = np.nan In [21]: s Out[21]: 0 2001-01-02 1 NaT 2 2001-01-02 dtype: datetime64[ns] In [22]: s.dtype Out[22]: dtype('<M8[ns]') In [23]: s = s.astype('O') In [24]: s Out[24]: 0 2001-01-02 00:00:00 1 NaT 2 2001-01-02 00:00:00 dtype: object In [25]: s.dtype Out[25]: dtype('O')
Added to_series() method to indices, to facilitate the creation of indexers (GH3275) HDFStore added the method select_column to select a single column from a table as a Series. deprecated the unique method, can be replicated by select_column(key,column).unique() min_itemsize parameter to append will now automatically create data_columns for passed keys
Added to_series() method to indices, to facilitate the creation of indexers (GH3275)
added the method select_column to select a single column from a table as a Series.
deprecated the unique method, can be replicated by select_column(key,column).unique()
min_itemsize parameter to append will now automatically create data_columns for passed keys
Improved performance of df.to_csv() by up to 10x in some cases. (GH3059) Numexpr is now a Recommended Dependencies, to accelerate certain types of numerical and boolean operations Bottleneck is now a Recommended Dependencies, to accelerate certain types of nan operations HDFStore support read_hdf/to_hdf API similar to read_csv/to_csv In [26]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': range(5), 'B': range(5)}) In [27]: df.to_hdf('store.h5', 'table', append=True) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-27-747676860ce2> in <module> ----> 1 df.to_hdf('store.h5', 'table', append=True) ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/core/ in to_hdf(self, path_or_buf, key, mode, complevel, complib, append, format, index, min_itemsize, nan_rep, dropna, data_columns, errors, encoding) 2468 data_columns=data_columns, 2469 errors=errors, -> 2470 encoding=encoding, 2471 ) 2472 ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/io/ in to_hdf(path_or_buf, key, value, mode, complevel, complib, append, format, index, min_itemsize, nan_rep, dropna, data_columns, errors, encoding) 278 if isinstance(path_or_buf, str): 279 with HDFStore( --> 280 path_or_buf, mode=mode, complevel=complevel, complib=complib 281 ) as store: 282 f(store) ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, path, mode, complevel, complib, fletcher32, **kwargs) 516 raise ValueError("format is not a defined argument for HDFStore") 517 --> 518 tables = import_optional_dependency("tables") 519 520 if complib is not None and complib not in tables.filters.all_complibs: ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/compat/ in import_optional_dependency(name, extra, raise_on_missing, on_version) 89 except ImportError: 90 if raise_on_missing: ---> 91 raise ImportError(msg) from None 92 else: 93 return None ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'tables'. Use pip or conda to install tables. In [28]: pd.read_hdf('store.h5', 'table', where=['index > 2']) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-28-ead500c2f285> in <module> ----> 1 pd.read_hdf('store.h5', 'table', where=['index > 2']) ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/io/ in read_hdf(path_or_buf, key, mode, errors, where, start, stop, columns, iterator, chunksize, **kwargs) 393 394 if not exists: --> 395 raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {path_or_buf} does not exist") 396 397 store = HDFStore(path_or_buf, mode=mode, errors=errors, **kwargs) FileNotFoundError: File store.h5 does not exist provide dotted attribute access to get from stores, e.g. store.df == store['df'] new keywords iterator=boolean, and chunksize=number_in_a_chunk are provided to support iteration on select and select_as_multiple (GH3076) You can now select timestamps from an unordered timeseries similarly to an ordered timeseries (GH2437) You can now select with a string from a DataFrame with a datelike index, in a similar way to a Series (GH3070) In [29]: idx = pd.date_range("2001-10-1", periods=5, freq='M') In [30]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.rand(len(idx)), index=idx) In [31]: ts['2001'] Out[31]: 2001-10-31 0.117967 2001-11-30 0.702184 2001-12-31 0.414034 Freq: M, dtype: float64 In [32]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ts}) In [33]: df['2001'] Out[33]: A 2001-10-31 0.117967 2001-11-30 0.702184 2001-12-31 0.414034 Squeeze to possibly remove length 1 dimensions from an object. >>> p = pd.Panel(np.random.randn(3, 4, 4), items=['ItemA', 'ItemB', 'ItemC'], ... major_axis=pd.date_range('20010102', periods=4), ... minor_axis=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']) >>> p <class 'pandas.core.panel.Panel'> Dimensions: 3 (items) x 4 (major_axis) x 4 (minor_axis) Items axis: ItemA to ItemC Major_axis axis: 2001-01-02 00:00:00 to 2001-01-05 00:00:00 Minor_axis axis: A to D >>> p.reindex(items=['ItemA']).squeeze() A B C D 2001-01-02 0.926089 -2.026458 0.501277 -0.204683 2001-01-03 -0.076524 1.081161 1.141361 0.479243 2001-01-04 0.641817 -0.185352 1.824568 0.809152 2001-01-05 0.575237 0.669934 1.398014 -0.399338 >>> p.reindex(items=['ItemA'], minor=['B']).squeeze() 2001-01-02 -2.026458 2001-01-03 1.081161 2001-01-04 -0.185352 2001-01-05 0.669934 Freq: D, Name: B, dtype: float64 In, Fix bug when trying to fetch data for the current month when already past expiry. Now using lxml to scrape html instead of BeautifulSoup (lxml was faster). New instance variables for calls and puts are automatically created when a method that creates them is called. This works for current month where the instance variables are simply calls and puts. Also works for future expiry months and save the instance variable as callsMMYY or putsMMYY, where MMYY are, respectively, the month and year of the option’s expiry. Options.get_near_stock_price now allows the user to specify the month for which to get relevant options data. Options.get_forward_data now has optional kwargs near and above_below. This allows the user to specify if they would like to only return forward looking data for options near the current stock price. This just obtains the data from Options.get_near_stock_price instead of Options.get_xxx_data() (GH2758). Cursor coordinate information is now displayed in time-series plots. added option display.max_seq_items to control the number of elements printed per sequence pprinting it. (GH2979) added option display.chop_threshold to control display of small numerical values. (GH2739) added option display.max_info_rows to prevent verbose_info from being calculated for frames above 1M rows (configurable). (GH2807, GH2918) value_counts() now accepts a “normalize” argument, for normalized histograms. (GH2710). DataFrame.from_records now accepts not only dicts but any instance of the collections.Mapping ABC. added option display.mpl_style providing a sleeker visual style for plots. Based on (GH3075). Treat boolean values as integers (values 1 and 0) for numeric operations. (GH2641) to_html() now accepts an optional “escape” argument to control reserved HTML character escaping (enabled by default) and escapes &, in addition to < and >. (GH2919)
Improved performance of df.to_csv() by up to 10x in some cases. (GH3059)
Numexpr is now a Recommended Dependencies, to accelerate certain types of numerical and boolean operations
Bottleneck is now a Recommended Dependencies, to accelerate certain types of nan operations
support read_hdf/to_hdf API similar to read_csv/to_csv
In [26]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': range(5), 'B': range(5)}) In [27]: df.to_hdf('store.h5', 'table', append=True) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-27-747676860ce2> in <module> ----> 1 df.to_hdf('store.h5', 'table', append=True) ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/core/ in to_hdf(self, path_or_buf, key, mode, complevel, complib, append, format, index, min_itemsize, nan_rep, dropna, data_columns, errors, encoding) 2468 data_columns=data_columns, 2469 errors=errors, -> 2470 encoding=encoding, 2471 ) 2472 ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/io/ in to_hdf(path_or_buf, key, value, mode, complevel, complib, append, format, index, min_itemsize, nan_rep, dropna, data_columns, errors, encoding) 278 if isinstance(path_or_buf, str): 279 with HDFStore( --> 280 path_or_buf, mode=mode, complevel=complevel, complib=complib 281 ) as store: 282 f(store) ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, path, mode, complevel, complib, fletcher32, **kwargs) 516 raise ValueError("format is not a defined argument for HDFStore") 517 --> 518 tables = import_optional_dependency("tables") 519 520 if complib is not None and complib not in tables.filters.all_complibs: ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/compat/ in import_optional_dependency(name, extra, raise_on_missing, on_version) 89 except ImportError: 90 if raise_on_missing: ---> 91 raise ImportError(msg) from None 92 else: 93 return None ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'tables'. Use pip or conda to install tables. In [28]: pd.read_hdf('store.h5', 'table', where=['index > 2']) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-28-ead500c2f285> in <module> ----> 1 pd.read_hdf('store.h5', 'table', where=['index > 2']) ~/scipy/pandas/pandas/io/ in read_hdf(path_or_buf, key, mode, errors, where, start, stop, columns, iterator, chunksize, **kwargs) 393 394 if not exists: --> 395 raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {path_or_buf} does not exist") 396 397 store = HDFStore(path_or_buf, mode=mode, errors=errors, **kwargs) FileNotFoundError: File store.h5 does not exist
provide dotted attribute access to get from stores, e.g. store.df == store['df']
store.df == store['df']
new keywords iterator=boolean, and chunksize=number_in_a_chunk are provided to support iteration on select and select_as_multiple (GH3076)
You can now select timestamps from an unordered timeseries similarly to an ordered timeseries (GH2437)
You can now select with a string from a DataFrame with a datelike index, in a similar way to a Series (GH3070)
In [29]: idx = pd.date_range("2001-10-1", periods=5, freq='M') In [30]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.rand(len(idx)), index=idx) In [31]: ts['2001'] Out[31]: 2001-10-31 0.117967 2001-11-30 0.702184 2001-12-31 0.414034 Freq: M, dtype: float64 In [32]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ts}) In [33]: df['2001'] Out[33]: A 2001-10-31 0.117967 2001-11-30 0.702184 2001-12-31 0.414034
Squeeze to possibly remove length 1 dimensions from an object.
>>> p = pd.Panel(np.random.randn(3, 4, 4), items=['ItemA', 'ItemB', 'ItemC'], ... major_axis=pd.date_range('20010102', periods=4), ... minor_axis=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']) >>> p <class 'pandas.core.panel.Panel'> Dimensions: 3 (items) x 4 (major_axis) x 4 (minor_axis) Items axis: ItemA to ItemC Major_axis axis: 2001-01-02 00:00:00 to 2001-01-05 00:00:00 Minor_axis axis: A to D >>> p.reindex(items=['ItemA']).squeeze() A B C D 2001-01-02 0.926089 -2.026458 0.501277 -0.204683 2001-01-03 -0.076524 1.081161 1.141361 0.479243 2001-01-04 0.641817 -0.185352 1.824568 0.809152 2001-01-05 0.575237 0.669934 1.398014 -0.399338 >>> p.reindex(items=['ItemA'], minor=['B']).squeeze() 2001-01-02 -2.026458 2001-01-03 1.081161 2001-01-04 -0.185352 2001-01-05 0.669934 Freq: D, Name: B, dtype: float64
Fix bug when trying to fetch data for the current month when already past expiry.
Now using lxml to scrape html instead of BeautifulSoup (lxml was faster).
New instance variables for calls and puts are automatically created when a method that creates them is called. This works for current month where the instance variables are simply calls and puts. Also works for future expiry months and save the instance variable as callsMMYY or putsMMYY, where MMYY are, respectively, the month and year of the option’s expiry.
Options.get_near_stock_price now allows the user to specify the month for which to get relevant options data.
Options.get_forward_data now has optional kwargs near and above_below. This allows the user to specify if they would like to only return forward looking data for options near the current stock price. This just obtains the data from Options.get_near_stock_price instead of Options.get_xxx_data() (GH2758).
Cursor coordinate information is now displayed in time-series plots.
added option display.max_seq_items to control the number of elements printed per sequence pprinting it. (GH2979)
added option display.chop_threshold to control display of small numerical values. (GH2739)
added option display.max_info_rows to prevent verbose_info from being calculated for frames above 1M rows (configurable). (GH2807, GH2918)
value_counts() now accepts a “normalize” argument, for normalized histograms. (GH2710).
DataFrame.from_records now accepts not only dicts but any instance of the collections.Mapping ABC.
added option display.mpl_style providing a sleeker visual style for plots. Based on (GH3075).
Treat boolean values as integers (values 1 and 0) for numeric operations. (GH2641)
to_html() now accepts an optional “escape” argument to control reserved HTML character escaping (enabled by default) and escapes &, in addition to < and >. (GH2919)
See the full release notes or issue tracker on GitHub for a complete list.
A total of 50 people contributed patches to this release. People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
Adam Greenhall +
Alvaro Tejero-Cantero +
Andy Hayden
Brad Buran +
Chang She
Chapman Siu +
Chris Withers +
Christian Geier +
Christopher Whelan
Damien Garaud
Dan Birken
Dan Davison +
Dieter Vandenbussche
Dražen Lučanin +
Dražen Lučanin +
Garrett Drapala
Illia Polosukhin +
James Casbon +
Jeff Reback
Jeremy Wagner +
Jonathan Chambers +
K.-Michael Aye
Karmel Allison +
Loïc Estève +
Nicholaus E. Halecky +
Peter Prettenhofer +
Phillip Cloud +
Robert Gieseke +
Skipper Seabold
Spencer Lyon
Stephen Lin +
Thierry Moisan +
Thomas Kluyver
Tim Akinbo +
Vytautas Jancauskas
Vytautas Jančauskas +
Wes McKinney
Will Furnass +
Wouter Overmeire
anomrake +
davidjameshumphreys +
dengemann +
dieterv77 +
lexual +
stephenwlin +
thauck +
vytas +
waitingkuo +